Strike Pro Miuras Mouse mercoledì 15 maggio 2019
The Strike Pro Miura Mouse is the new streamer - style pike lure by Strike Pro for 2019.he biggest pike fishing news of 2019 in Sweden? It would seem like this is it! The CWC Miuras mouse is also familiar from the Fly vs Jerk. The Italian masterpiece designed by Maurizio "Miura" Carini is produced in close cooperation with Catch With Care AB. In recent years, Miura has been linked to several reports of great pike catches in Europe. The Strike Pro Miuras mouse can be used at very low speeds and it is therefore easy to command even in challenging conditions. The lure’s astounding features make it a true fish magnet. The mouse is double-treated, which means that it can endure pike after pike. The tail is attached with a BFT screw and can be replaced quickly. All Miuras mice are made by hand under the tutelage of Maurizio, thus ensuring extremely high quality! Test it yourself and witness the quality!
Il nuovo Strike Pro Miura Mouse è l'esca più attesa tra le nuove esche Strike Pro da luccio per il 2019. Si tratta di uno streamer talmente pesante che può essere utilizzato con una canna da spinning o da casting, Imitazione di un topo. Realizzato in "pelo" pulsante con testa piombata e potenziato da un set di due ancorette robustissime. Lunghezza 23 cm peso 95 grammi
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