Vision Dobb Daddy Spin Fly

Da 14.99€


Il Vision Dobb Daddy Spin Fly è un grosso streamer da luccio, montato con un peso che ne permette il lancio a distanza, ed un amo in coda. Il Dobb Daddy nello specifico è stato studiato per pike fishing, è un’esca che permette di catturare lucci difficili in condizioni di apatia. Questa linea di artificiali viene prodotta in 2 differenti versioni, una con testa in resina epossidica ed un’altra con testa in lana. Una generosa zavorra in plexiglass posta sotto il dressing permette di lanciare agevolmente quest’esca, senza insospettire le prede. Ogni Vision Dobb Daddy Spin Fly può essere personalizzato, adattando stile di presentazione e pesi alle varie condizioni di pesca. Lo Spin Fly è una nuova dimensione della pesca a spinning moderna.


Dobb Daddy is a new lure system developed by Niklas Holmér at Fly-Dressing that makes it possible to fish pike flies with your standard casting and spinning fishing gear - from now on you won't be outfished by your fly fishing buddies during those days when the pike prefer a slowly pulsating fly before a rubber och hard bait. The dob has a weight of 28 gr and it casts really good! This kit comes with one Dobb, one hook on a pre-made wire leader, one XXL cone head and two Rubber balls - just add a Pike Fly and you're ready to go! The Dobb Daddy works great with most regular pike spin fishing equipments. If you want to add a Wiggle Tail, just attach a Fastach snap to the hook and tie the tail to a Snap for Tail.We recommend you to buy an extra bag of Rubber Balls as they are very important for the function of the Dobb Daddy system and they might wear out after a number of pike caught.


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Vision Dobb Daddy Spin Fly
SH Polkagrisen
dry: 24 gr - wet: 28 gr24 cmSinking
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Vision Dobb Daddy Spin Fly
SH Green Gold
dry: 24 gr - wet: 28 gr24 cmSinking
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Vision Dobb Daddy Spin Fly
Red Head
dry: 24 gr - wet: 28 gr24 cmSinking
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Vision Dobb Daddy Spin Fly
Bleeding Perch
dry: 24 gr - wet: 28 gr24 cmSinking
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Vision Dobb Daddy Spin Fly
SH Laken
dry: 24 gr - wet: 28 gr24 cmSinking
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dry: 24 gr - wet: 28 gr 24 cm Sinking

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