Shimano Kairiki SX8 braided line

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Il Kairiki SX 8 della Shimano è un nuovo trecciato a 8 filamenti prodotto utilizzando una nuova tecnologia SEBT (Shimano Enhanced Body Technology) in combinazione con le migliori fibre di PE disponibili in Giappone. Questa nuova treccia è morbida e sensibile, il colore di questo braid sbiadisce meno rispetto ad altre trecce. Estremamente basso l'allungamento, permette di sentire il movimento dell'esca con la massima sensibilità. Questo nuovo braided line è prodotto da Innovative Textiles Inc. conosciuta in tutto il mondo per la sua famosa linea di prodotti Power Pro.

Disponibile in 2 colori (MAntis Green e Steel Gray) in diametri dallo 0.07 mm allo 0.33 mm


Smooth, supple and sensitive — these keywords sum up Shimano’s new Kairiki SX 8 braid. An eight carrier Japanese PE braid, its smooth finish means it creates less friction over rod guides when cast, and it slips through the water with reduced resistance and thrumming on the retrieve or when trolled. Kairiki SX8 is well behaved on the reel spool, with even lay and less propensity to throw off annoying wind knots. Sensitivity is brought into the manufacturing process by reducing overall stretch and having less elongation than competitors’ brands. An exclusive process that the raw material undergoes before braiding enhances abrasion resistance, featuring Shimano's enhanced body treatment (S-EBT).The line is then braided with less friction, retaining the integrity of the material for fewer imperfections. This makes it a tough line for use in difficult terrain. Available in 11 breaking strains from 6 to 80lb on 150 metre spools at the lighter end and 300 metres from 20lb up, its neutral Mantis Green colour means it is every bit at home in a western impoundment as it is on a trout stream, or down in the estuaries and offshore.
Tresse Shimano Kairiki. Il s'agit tout simplement d'une nouvelle génération de fil. Parfait pour réaliser de longs lancers. Les pêcheurs en spinning apprécieront les caractéristiques du Kairiki qui permet de réaliser de longs lancers et de battre un maximum de terrain. Il bénéficie ainsi d'une excellente résistance par rapport à son diamètre (ligne la plus fine par rapport à sa résistance en kg). 

- Grande sensibilité,
- Facile à lancer,
- Très souple,
- Très bonne résistance par rapport au diamètre,
- Parfait pour pratiquer toutes les techniques.

Colore Selezionato

Cancella selezione

Imperial Metric