Savage Gear Swim Squid LRF

Da 9.99€


I nuovi Savage Gear Swim Squid LRF sono stati sapientemente progettati per la pesca d'altura LRF, questa taglia da bambino dell'esca Swim Squid super efficace farà piegare la tua canna in pochissimo tempo. Nonostante sia lunga solo 5 cm, l'esca offre un'azione e un aspetto altamente realistici a cui nessun pesce sano di mente può resistere. Con un profumo aggiunto e un corpo solido in modo che possa essere attrezzato con vari stili di jig head, questo minuscolo cefalopode porterà caos alla tua pesca d'altura ultraleggera.


- Corpo solido super morbido

- Dettagli scansionati in 3D

- Azione ultra vivace e realistica

- Profumato al calamaro

- 5 pezzi per confezione

- 5cm - 0,8gr



Expertly designed for LRF game, this baby size of the super effective Swim Squid lure will have your rod bent over in no time. Despite being just 5cm in length, the lure provides a highly realistic action and appearance that no right-minded fish can resist. With added scent and a solid body so it can be rigged with various styles of jig head, this tiny cephalopod will bring mayhem to your ultra-light game fishing – be prepared

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Savage Gear Swim Squid LRF
White Glow Cuttlefish
5 cm5 pcs0.8 gr
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Savage Gear Swim Squid LRF
Horny Squid
5 cm5 pcs0.8 gr
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Savage Gear Swim Squid LRF
Brown UV
5 cm5 pcs0.8 gr
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Savage Gear Swim Squid LRF
5 cm5 pcs0.8 gr
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Savage Gear Swim Squid LRF
Pink Glow
5 cm5 pcs0.8 gr
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Savage Gear Swim Squid LRF
Green Eye
5 cm5 pcs0.8 gr
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5 cm 5 pcs 0.8 gr

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