Savage Gear 3D TPE Swim Squid

Da 13.99€ Da 7.99€


Savage Gear 3D TPE Swim Squid Based on a 3D scan of a real Squid, with superb details and a super realistic profile! The lure swims and looks just like a real squid and will fool even the most vary predator fish to attack it! The Swim Squid Squid, can be used in many ways, cast and retrieve, slow jigging or trolling! The unique 2 part design, allows the angler to add scent or squid meet to the inside or change rigging as needed. The body fins pulse, and the tentacles vibrate lively as the lure moves thru the water making this lure the perfect Squid imitation!

Il Savage Gear 3D Swim Squid è una imitazione di calamaro perfetta, con molteplici utilizzi, basata sullo scannerizzazione di un vero calamaro. Il Savage Gear TPE Swim squid ha una azione extra realistica, ed è prodotto in differenti misure per la pesca a spinning in mare per la pesca della spigola, pesce serra, barracuda, ricciola, cernia, dentici e qualsiasi altro tipo di predatore che aggredisce calamari!

  • • 3D Scanned details
  • • Two part design for multiple rigging options
  • • Ultra lively action
  • • TPE material – Super durable.

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Savage Gear 3D TPE Swim Squid
Pink Glow
9.5 cmSlow Sinking10 gr
13.99€ 7.99€
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26 cmSlow Sinking126 gr
20.99€ 14.99€
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12.5 cmSlow Sinking25 gr
18.99€ 12.99€
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18.8 cmSlow Sinking63 gr
13.99€ 7.99€
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Savage Gear 3D TPE Swim Squid
Red Brown
9.5 cmSlow Sinking10 gr
13.99€ 7.99€
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12.5 cmSlow Sinking25 gr
18.99€ 12.99€
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26 cmSlow Sinking126 gr
20.99€ 14.99€
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18.8 cmSlow Sinking63 gr
13.99€ 7.99€
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Savage Gear 3D TPE Swim Squid
Brown UV
9.5 cmSlow Sinking10 gr
13.99€ 7.99€
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12.5 cmSlow Sinking25 gr
18.99€ 12.99€
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26 cmSlow Sinking126 gr
20.99€ 14.99€
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18.8 cmSlow Sinking63 gr
13.99€ 7.99€
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Savage Gear 3D TPE Swim Squid
Green Eye
12.5 cmSlow Sinking25 gr
18.99€ 12.99€
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9.5 cmSlow Sinking10 gr
13.99€ 7.99€
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18.8 cmSlow Sinking63 gr
13.99€ 7.99€
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26 cmSlow Sinking126 gr
20.99€ 14.99€
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9.5 cm Slow Sinking 10 gr
12.5 cm Slow Sinking 25 gr
26 cm Slow Sinking 126 gr
18.8 cm Slow Sinking 63 gr

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