Sakura Gemibug

Da 8.99€


Realizzata in schiuma di poliuretano ad alta densità, l'esca Sakura Gemibug è un'imitazione di insetto molto piacevole da utilizzare quando si cerca cavedani, trote, aspi e black bass, tutti pesci particolarmente affezionati a questo tipo di creature terrestrial! Dotato di un lembo concavo come guida per la bocca per attirare i predatori. Animato da piccoli colpi con la punta della canna fa vibrare le gambe in filamento di silicone esattamente come un insetto caduto in acqua che muore e si dibatte. Un'altra ottima tecnica di animazione è possibile recuperando in stop & go il Gemibug, che lo fa scoppiare e incresparsi sotto la superficie d'acqua. Lascialo fermo per qualche istante, è lì che spesso viene inghiottito!

Réalisé en mousse polyuréthane haute densité, le Sakura Gemibug est une imitation d’insecte très plaisante à utiliser lorsqu’on recherche les Chevesnes, les truites ou les Bass, tous trois particulièrement friands de ce genre de bestioles ! Muni d’une bavette concave en guide de bouche, il est facile de le faire popper pour attirer les carnassiers. Animé par petits coups de scion, on peut faire vibrer les pattes en filaments de silicone du Gemibug pour lui donner l’aspect d’un insecte tombé à l’eau en train d’agoniser en se débattant. Une autre très bonne technique d’animation est possible en récupérant en stop & go le Gemibug, ce qui le fait poppper et onduler sous la pellicule d’eau. Laissez-le immobile quelques instants, c’est là qu’il se fait souvent gober!

Made of high-density polyurethane foam, the Sakura Gemibug lure is a very pleasant insect imitation to use when looking for chub, trout or bass, all three particularly fond of this kind of critters! Equipped with a concave flap as a mouth guide, it is easy to make it pop to attract predators. Animated by small strokes of the tip, you can vibrate the silicone filament legs of the Gemibug to give it the appearance of an insect fallen into the water dying and struggling. Another very good animation technique is possible by recovering in stop & go the Gemibug, which makes it pop and ripple under the film of water. Leave it still for a few moments, that's where it often gets swallowed!

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Imperial Metric
Sakura Gemibug
3 cm2 grFloating
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3.5 cm4.4 grFloating
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Sakura Gemibug
3 cm2 grFloating
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3.5 cm4.4 grFloating
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Sakura Gemibug
3 cm2 grFloating
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3.5 cm4.4 grFloating
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Sakura Gemibug
3 cm2 grFloating
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3.5 cm4.4 grFloating
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3 cm 2 gr Floating
3.5 cm 4.4 gr Floating

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