Mikado Jaws Offset With Screw And Lead

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Mikado Jaws Offset With Screw And Lead. Il Mikado Jaws Offset With Screw And Lead è un amo x-wide gap ad affilatura chimica e realizzato con un filo in acciao praticamente indistruttibile per la pesca a spinning in acqua dolce e salata. In alcuni modelli  (w) piombato per conferire in fase di caduta un movimento ondeggiante all'esca ''rolling''. Perfetto per tutte le esche in gomma come soft swimbaits, grubs e shad per luccio, bass, siluro, serra, spigola etc.

New series of JAWS hooks with a screw and weight consists of strong forged hooks with a very precisely adjusted lead weight. Quite a wide selection of sizes and weights makes it easy to find a perfect hook for any bait, making it perfectly balanced and enabling the desired action. Screw embedded in the hook aids the hook positioning while keeping the lure in the same place. It is a great solution for innovative spinning anglers who value high quality and durability of the hooks designed for a big fish angling.

Háčiky MIKADO Jaws Offset with Screw & Lead s olovkom, popis. Vysoko akostné háčky série JAWS. Mimoriadne odolné s extra ostrými hrotmi typu Delta point, všetko doplnené o skvele vyváženú záťaž. Ideálne riešenie pokiaľ sa chceme dostať k dravcom ukrývajúcich sa v miestach zarastených, plných podvodných prekážkach.

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