Megabass I-Wing Triple Fry. i-WING TRIPLE FRY by MEGABASS è un topwater crawler snodato con due "ali in metallo". Le due palette laterali sono in plastica semirigida. Nel complesso l'azione crawler è stata migliorata proprio per il materiale delle "ali" e dallo snodo in coda. E' equipaggiato con due ancorette misura #4. Il sistema interno di spostamento dei pesi LBO II (LINEAR BEARING OSCILLATOR SYSTEM) fa raggiungere distanze di lancio elevate.
Introducing the Megabass TRIPLE FRY, a new addition to the popular i-WING series that has taken bass fields across the world by storm. The tougher the conditions, the more TRIPLE FRY will showcase its mystical fish-catching performance. The super thin pair of baitfish wings possess a unique flexibility, making lifelike delicate and seductive waves with dead slow retrieves. The rolling dance of the main body combines with the jointed float tail and wings to create the illusion of panicked baitfish struggling at the surface in an enticing bait ball. The slower you reel it in, this unprecedented panic bait will trigger an increasingly powerful chain reaction of explosions on the water’s surface.
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