Lucky Craft Pointer 100 XD

Da 20.19€


jerkbait extra deep lucky craft pointer 100XD

Il problema dei jerkbait extra deep (minnow di profondità) è quella di perdere la frequenza del nuoto e la continuità di azione quando jerkati, per via di palette troppo voluminose, e di corpi non ben bilanciati.  Il Lucky Craft Pointer 100 XD è un'esca da competizione in Usa ed in Giappone, e raggiunge gli obbiettivi che altri jerk possono solo sognare. Riesce a stare nella strike zone molto a lungo, più a lungo, in modo indolente o scattante, semplicemente a seconda del jerking e della lunghezze della pausa che il pescatore vuole scegliere. Esca straordinaria per pesci indolenti, in estate, in tardo autunno, in inverno. Copre in modo efficace una gran parte dello spot, in verticale ed in diagonale. Come tutte le esche da bass fishing / lurefishing Lucky Craft nuota perfettamente ed è Made in Japan. Lunghezza 10 cm, peso 18, 5  gr con assetto slow suspending, con affondamento da 2,5 a 3 m

The Lucky Craft Pointer 100XD is an extra-deep diving jerkbait. With the same look and design as the ever-popular Lucky Craft Pointer, this new bait dive deeper than ever before.
While the original Lucky Craft Pointers reach depths of around 3- to 4-feet and the Pointer DDs can dive to nearly 7 feet, the Pointer 100XD will easily reach depths of 8 feet or more. Most of the earlier Pointers, including the DD, have to be worked more slowly as they dive. The Pointer XD baits can reach depths of 10 feet while still being fished fast, which is a great advantage. This allows anglers to cover more water, check more spots and keep the bait in the strike zone longer. As it dives deeper, the Pointer XD baits will not lose the wobble or erratic action.
The Pointer 100XD is great cold water baits. When the fish get lethargic and inactive, it is important to take the bait to them; not expect them to come and get it. That’s exactly what Lucky Craft has enabled anglers to do with these two new baits.
As do all Lucky Craft baits, the Pointer XD jerkbaits run true straight out of the package. Often, many long-billed jerkbaits lose the ability to run true and stay precise. However, Lucky Craft has found a way to elongate the bills while keeping the baits true straight out of the package.  

Le nouveau Pointer XD se rapproche dangereusement des trois mètres de profondeur et ce même avec des vitesses de récupération rapide. Il est donc parfait pour pêcher des endroits profonds assez rapidement et ainsi de couvrir plus de terrain et trouver les poissons postés. La nouvelle forme de la bavette le font plonger plus rapidement mais n’altère en rien le comportement du leurre ; son action est toujours aussi erratique et son déhanchement est toujours aussi prononcé. Ce sont deux leurres typiques pour les pêches d’eau froides en fin de saison. Les poissons deviennent apathiques et léthargiques et il devint alors crucial de leur amener le leurre sous le nez. Voici pourquoi Lucky Craft a crée cette série. Comme toujours chez Lucky Craft, ces leurres sont prêts à l’emploi dès leur sortie de conditionnement. Lucky Craft a développé cette bavette plus effilée avec comme principal contrainte de garder intacte le nage du Pointer. Sans trop S’avancer, les pêcheurs de Sandres risquent de trouver dans ces leurres une référence.


  • Length: 4” (100.5mm)
  • Weight: 5/8oz (18.5g)
  • Depth: 10ft
  • Type: Slow SUSPENDING
  • Hook Size: VMC #5, #5


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10.5 cm18.5 grSlow Suspending
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Immagine di Lucky Craft Pointer 100 XD
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10.5 cm18.5 grSlow Suspending
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Aurora Black
10.5 cm18.5 grSlow Suspending
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Immagine di Lucky Craft Pointer 100 XD
Flake Flake Sexy Minnow
10.5 cm18.5 grSlow Suspending
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Immagine di Lucky Craft Pointer 100 XD
Flake Flake Golden Sunfish
10.5 cm18.5 grSlow Suspending
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Immagine di Lucky Craft Pointer 100 XD
Flake Flake Happy Gill
10.5 cm18.5 grSlow Suspending
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Immagine di Lucky Craft Pointer 100 XD
Flake Flake Herring
10.5 cm18.5 grSlow Suspending
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Immagine di Lucky Craft Pointer 100 XD
Flake Flake Ayu
10.5 cm18.5 grSlow Suspending
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10.5 cm 18.5 gr Slow Suspending

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