Legio Aurea Sistens Stoppers

From 2.49€


The Legio Aurea Sistens Stoppers are designed to be the best choice to hold sinkers in the correct place for a variety of techniques and rigging methods. The LegioAurea Sistens Stoppers were designed specifically for keeping your weight in place in the cover with all kind of bullet weights. The Sistens Stoppers exhibit a special shape that tucks into the weight keeping your sinker securely in place: your weight will remain in place with the help of these trusty these professional pegs.  10 pcs / pack


- ghost/clear colour invisible for bass

- advanced extra-strong plastic material

- the shape is designed to tucks into the weight perfectly

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Stopper Legio Aurea Sistens Stoppers per pesi in piombo o in tungsteno conici (bullet weights) per lurefishing, realizzati con materiale plastico elastico di altissimo livello qualitativo, in grado di sopportare lanci ripetuti, ed incastrarsi perfettamente all'interno del sinker, bloccandolo in modo stabile e duraturo. Di colore rasparente restano virtualmente invisibili agli occhi del bass, per una presentazione naturalissima.

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Tipo MinuteriaStoppers
Pcs/Pack10 pcs
MisuraM #5
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Tipo MinuteriaStoppers
Pcs/Pack10 pcs
MisuraS #3
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Tipo MinuteriaPcs/PackColoreMisuraPriceQtyBuy
Stoppers10 pcsTrasparenteM #5
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Stoppers10 pcsTrasparenteS #3
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