Gunki Gamera SHW

Da 11.90€ Da 8.99€


Il Gunki Gamera SHW è un minnow affondante per trota, trota marmorata, luccio, cavedano, aspio e altri predatori in genere. Tiene ottimamente la corrente, ha ancorette affilate chimicamente e colori di sicuro appeal per i pesci predatori. Si lancia bene, rimanendo stabile in aria e mantiene assetto ed azione vibrante sia nelle buche lente, che in quelle più veloci. Prodotto in colori di sicuro rendimento per trote e co.

Gunki Gamera. The Gunki GAMMERA SHW is perfectly balanced and designed to be worked steadily through strong currents vibrating constantly to stay attractive and provocative. This heavy weight version (SHW) has a straighter body profile and a low centre of gravity to maximise its stability in really fast flows. The extra weight will also help you fish deeper river sections when trout are posted deep. The large lip has been carefully angled to get the balance between stability in fast flows and lively darting when twitched just right. If you fish on bigger, faster rivers this is the lure for you!

Der Gunki GAMERA SHW ist perfekt balanciert. Entworfen, um auch in starker Strömung attraktiv und provokativ zu vibrieren. Diese extra schwere Version (SHW = Super Heavy weight) hat einen etwas schlankeren Körper und einen tiefen Schwerpunkt für maximale Stabilität im Strom. Die Tauchschaufel ist der optimale Kompromiss zwischen Stabilität in der Strömung und lebhafter Aktion beim twitchen. wenn Sie an großen und schnellen Flüssen wie Rhein, Weser, Elbe, etc. angeln, dann ist dies der richtige Köder für Sie!

De GAMERA SHW is perfect in balans en ontworpen om ook in sterke stroming aantrekkelijk en provocerend te vibreren. Deze extra zware versie (SHW = Super Heavy Weight) heeft een iets slanker lichaam en een diep zwaartepunt voor maximale stabiliteit in de stroming. De duikschoep is een optimaal compromis tussen stabiliteit in de stroming en een levendige actie tijdens het twitchen. Wie op de grote rivieren vist moet dit aas beslist in de box hebbe


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Imperial Metric
Gunki Gamera SHW
UV Fry
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Gunki Gamera SHW
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Gunki Gamera SHW
Gold Vairon
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Gunki Gamera SHW
Trout Ayu
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Gunki Gamera SHW
Grass Trout
7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Gunki Gamera SHW
Sight Trout
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Gunki Gamera SHW
Gold Trout
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Gunki Gamera SHW
Spot Green Trout
5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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Gunki Gamera SHW
Black Alive
7.8 cm10.6 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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5.4 cm4.5 grSinking
11.90€ 8.99€
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5.4 cm 4.5 gr Sinking
7.8 cm 10.6 gr Sinking

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