Drifter Tackle Believer Jointed Crankbait

Da 29.99€ Da 26.59€


Il Believer Drifter (divisione della Musky Mania lures) è un crank da luccio snodato, famoso per l'utilizzo a traina in Usa nella pesca al musky. Ha due occhielli per l'aggancio del moschettone, e nuota a profondità diverse. Azione di rolling e wobbling molto marcata, questa esca muove moltissima acqua, risultando facilmente individuabile. Realizzata in plastica robustissima e con vernici atossiche ad altissima resistenza. Queste caratteristiche lo rendono anche una fantastica esca nello spinning al siluro.

The jointed Believer® is one of the most versatile lures available today. Its unique shape and design, combined with a deep and shallow eyelet, allow this bait to be fished from the surface down to depths of 18’ – 20’ Retrieve it slowly as a surface bait over thick vegetation; work it as a jerk bait or twitch bait over and through emerging weed growth. Cast and deep troll it into rocks, timber and heavy cover as a crankbait.

The #1 trolling lure for catching trophy 50” and larger muskies is now available in 6”, 7”, 8”, 10” and a 13” version.  Available in either a straight or jointed configuration, this lure has already proven to drive the big fish insane. Regardless of  its size, from 6″ to 13”, the Believer® has the same classic action that produces strike after strike. It’s unique lip design allows this lure to be virtually trolled at any depth. When trolling in multiple lure arrangements, the Believer® seems to attract big fish with its impressive wobble and deep underwater, low frequency rattles. Charter captains that normally would catch perhaps 1 or 2 fish in a good day reported that with the Believer® out, their catch rate increased on all of their lines. They referred to it as the “fish magnet!” This lure can be seen and heard a long way off under the water line and represents the large meal trophy fish prefer. Muskies, pike, stripers, lake trout….they all respond to the action of this famous lure.

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Drifter Tackle Believer Jointed Crankbait
Nine Dollar Bass
20.32 cm56.70 gr
29.99€ 26.59€
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20.32 cm56.70 gr
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Drifter Tackle Believer Jointed Crankbait
Hot Walleye
20.32 cm56.70 gr
29.99€ 26.59€
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Drifter Tackle Believer Jointed Crankbait
20.32 cm56.70 gr
29.99€ 26.59€
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20.32 cm 56.70 gr

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