Il Daiwa Sokkou Knot Tool è un rivoluzionario strumento accessorio per effettuare i nodi di connessione tra shock leader e lenza madre. Indispensabile nella cassetta degli attrezzi di ogni pescatore. Ideale per congiungere nylon, trecciato e fluorocarbon, anche come leader (terminali in fluorocarbon abbinati a lenza madre di filo trecciato)
No fishing knot suffers as much strain as a braid to leader connection knot.Poorly tied or bulky knots will catch and wear on the rod guides, eventually breaking.Good connection knots are small and flat, ones that will easily pass through guides with a minimum of fuss.They also need to be very strong, retaining up to 100% of the breaking strain, however they can be fiddly to tie.The proof of a good knot, especially in light line, comes when the rod is fully loaded.The Daiwa knot tool takes the fiddle out of tying good connection knots.Well designed, it will grab and hold line directing its course accurately through a complex knot, something that fingers would find next to impossible.Ask for a Daiwa Sokkou knot tying tool.
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